House Ownership Program, Pangdam Invites Soldiers from Kodam IX/Udayana to Prepare for Old Age
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House Ownership Program, Pangdam Invites Soldiers from Kodam IX/Udayana to Prepare for Old Age

Selasa, 20 Juni 2023, Juni 20, 2023

Lobar - Encourage the soldiers to prepare for old age so they don't have to worry too much about finding a home. Pangdam IX/Udayana Major General TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., on Tuesday (20/6/2023) handed over 56 units of non-service house keys to Soldiers of Kodam IX/Udayana located in I One Home Residence, Lendang Jae Hamlet, Sheet Village , Sheet District, West Lombok Regency, NTB Province.

The Pangdam IX/Udayana program for home ownership for Kodam IX/Udayana Soldiers who hand over house keys to Soldiers from Armed Battalion 20/Bhadika Yudha, Battalion Arhanud 9/Angkasa Widya Jayanta and Yonif 742/Satya Wira Yudha is a collaboration with PT. Main Partner Hero.

At the event, the Director of PT. Wira Mitra Utama Made Indrawan, S.H., expressed his gratitude to the Regional Military Commander IX/Udayana for the appreciation given, and to Soldiers from the Regional Military Command IX/Udayana who took 56 units and 15 units are still in process.

"The program that we carry out cannot be separated from the guidance of the Commander in Chief and guidance from the banking sector. We hope that this collaboration will go well," he added.

Furthermore, the Pangdam IX/Udayana said that I have instilled the Udayana Soldier Program for this house by inviting the main investment to young soldiers and we have no goal of making a profit from all of this, but only aiming to encourage soldiers in their old age not to be too confused to find a house.

This program started when the Military Commander IX/Udayana carried out a Kunker to the Mechanical Yonif 741/GN and the Military Commander asked a Prada soldier about the salary distribution that was still set aside for bank deductions to buy a house.

"From there I thought and communicated with the Assistants, that what I met could be why I didn't create a program to have awareness to have their own private homes for Soldiers of Kodam IX/Udayana," explained the Pangdam.

The Military Commander also said, from the report submitted by Aspers Kasdam IX/Udayana that Kodam IX/Udayana Soldiers had taken as many as 500 soldiers home.

“I at least allow the soldiers to take the bank for consumptive activities. I encourage Soldier Udayana, whom I lead, to have a much better life in the future," said the Pangdam.

Ending his remarks, the Pangdam was pressured not to ever think about the Pangdam seeking profit, but all this is the hope that Kodam IX/Udayana Soldiers can live decent lives in the future. (Pendam IX/Udy)
